How do I make this work with a full class of students? Have students work in groups, and each group processes a different crime scene. This means that based on your class size you will have to determine how many students are in each group and then how many different crime scenes that will require. Don’t get nervous – creating the crime scenes is not as daunting as you might think. Groups of 3 or 4 work well, but I’ve had groups as large as 6 when my classes have been large. I have my students for 90 minutes and this is a good amount of time for them to be able to finish processing the scene on the first day. I have put together 4 field kits that have everything the students might need when
processing the scene such as fingerprinting powder, rulers, scissors, collection bags, gloves, etc. They take their photos, collect and bag evidence, dust and lift fingerprints, make casts of shoeprints, and bring it all back to the Evidence Locker (classroom) by the end of their normal class time. If your classes are shorter you may need to work with your school to get a bit more time on the first day.

Finding space to set up your crime scenes can be a challenge. My school is filled to capacity so we conduct our mock crime scenes either outside or in a large garage on campus. The garage contains a lot of extra furniture that we use to create scenes. Take advantage of any items at your school or in your surroundings that can become a crime scene! I often have one scene set up in the classroom, another outside under a large tree, one or two in the garage bays that are set as different types of rooms depending on what is available for furniture. A table and chairs can become a conference room, dinner table, office lunchroom, etc. The scene is set in the garage, but we can use our imaginations that it is somewhere else entirely! I have set up beauty salons, classrooms,
dining rooms, convenience stores, etc. just by placing a few key pieces of furniture within the garage bay and building from there with any props that are available. We have also used the school’s truck and other vehicles that were available for this, including a golf cart. Just be careful that the vehicle is not new because fingerprinting powder makes a mess!
For props and evidence I’ve found that very similar items can be placed in many different types of scenes. I make a mixture of fake blood and use a dropper to plant blood in different strategic points throughout a scene, I make sure there are good fingerprints in areas that are easy to find, footprints where applicable, hair or fibers are easy to plant, and any bottles and cans are useful as well. We usually find that normal items such as fast food bags, receipts, other papers, clothing, and anything that may be a weapon make it easy to put together a few different scenarios. Use what you can find around you. Once the scene is set, the students who are processing the scene will usually find other things that you didn’t even intend for them to find!

For props and evidence I’ve found that very similar items can be placed in many different types of scenes. I make a mixture of fake blood and use a dropper to plant blood in different strategic points throughout a scene, I make sure there are good fingerprints in areas that are easy to find, footprints where applicable, hair or fibers are easy to plant, and any bottles and cans are useful as well. We usually find that normal items such as fast food bags, receipts, other papers, clothing, and anything that may be a weapon make it easy to put together a few different scenarios. Use what you can find around you. Once the scene is set, the students who are processing the scene will usually find other things that you didn’t even intend for them to find!
Recruit Help
Contact your local police departments to see if they are able to help out during the mock crime scene processing. I am fortunate enough to have 4 Massachusetts State Troopers who have been helping me for several years. Each trooper is stationed at a different scene and acts as the first responding officer, when the crime lab technicians (students) arrive, they fill them in on the scenario and give them any information that has been gathered prior to their arrival. After fulfilling this role the Trooper then becomes a mentor and students are able to speak with them about the mock crime scene project as they work.

Assessing the Mock Crime Scene Project
There are many ways to go about assessing the students during this project, and it will depend on how many days you are able to devote to the project. In its simplest form, students can perform the crime scene processing on Day 1 (I grade them based on my observations of their work), prepare a presentation on Day 2, and present their crime scene on Day 3 (presentation grade). If more time is available, I often have students submit their requests for testing on their evidence that has been collected, then they may perform some tests or get fictional results from their teacher and report out to the group after that. I also have had them prepare the actual case file in document form when time permits.
If you are looking for help in implementing a mock crime scene for your students you may also be interested in my handouts that are available on Teachers Pay Teachers. The following documents are included in the product:
- Project Outline
- Evaluation Rubric
- Field Kit Inventory
- Photograph Log
- Evidence Log
- Test Requisition
- Test Results Template
- Case File Template
- 5 Possible Scenarios
- Evidence Labels
What Do You Think?
I am very interested in your tips, tricks, and successes as well. Please comment with any ideas or questions that you have about implementing a mock crime scene. I’m always looking for ways to make mine different and interesting. The students do a fair amount of talking about it so it is important to keep the scenarios fresh and new!
I’m teaching forensics to younger children this summer (grades 5 – 8) and found your lesson on TPT. Do you think this is easy to modify for younger children? Any information would be appreciated!
Hi Jennifer, what fun teaching forensics to younger grades! I have done a few workshops with younger kids and you can absolutely modify this activity for them. I usually make the subject matter a little more upbeat and geared toward a child audience. For example, there’s been a robbery at the ice cream shoppe! All of the mint chip is gone! You can use fingerprints, footprints, even a ransom note could be worked in there somehow. Students can still go through the same steps of documenting the scene, photographing the scene, bagging and tagging evidence, dusting for prints. Students in that age range will really get into this type of activity. It is a great opportunity to discuss the steps involved processing a crime scene and how to preserve the scene and the evidence. They will want to run right in but they will have to remember their training and work from the outside in, being careful not touch anything until it has been properly photographed. Let me know how it goes!
this will help my students